Daily Libra Horoscope January 02 (02/01)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

January 02


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 10/10

Imagine if all our efforts to please, placate or make more comfortable the worlds of others were appreciated. We know we dont always go to lengths on behalf of others because we want appreciation. Much of what we do we do because it brings pleasure to us. Yet, we rarely fail to recognize lack of appreciation when we know were due some. Dont resign yourself to being unappreciated in a certain way. Your heart could yet be touched by a very appreciative gesture.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

Many musicians, particularly guitarists, have experimented in recent years with tuning. In many ways, standard tuning of a guitar has become seen as unimaginative. What served so many people for so many years has become a conduit to a whole new level of creativity. You can likely see benefits to sticking with what you know is safe where creative expression on your part is concerned. Might it be time to push a boundary or not be quite so keen to stick with tradition?


summary libra weekly

Star 10/10

It could become evident this week that pressure in an area of your world is increasing and it could be something you feel strongly or even passionate about thats causing the increase. You have strong feelings about a situation or possibly an individual and the strength of these feelings could be compromising your ability to make an incisive and accurate judgment. As new information comes to light, be prepared to alter a set-in-stone opinion or belief.


summary libra monthly

Star 10/10

Venuss influence in your day-to-day work sector will boost commitment or contentment levels generally in the workplace. However, youll need to be careful around the time of the Full Moon in your career sector on the 12th as tension between you and a co-worker could escalate with little or no warning. This could also relate to a business partner or even a family member and it will likely be you who has to handle the issue sensitively and tactfully.


health libra daily

Star 9/10

The current planetary configuration gives us a chance to pull out the physical and emotional needs of our inner child - the need to be nurtured, the need to be fed and well taken care of - into the structure of our waking hours. It helps us to implement what we want in our lives. Therefore, this is an auspicious time for making known to yourself what will help you feel more secure in your life. Ask yourself: what do you need in order to feel good?


health libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

A harmonious environment is essential to your well-being. Taking care of this need means balancing your everyday life. And it can be such a pleasant undertaking! Home is the place where you retire and relax to recuperate from everyday stresses. So try to have the colors around you that appeal to you, the scents you enjoy, and the music you love, and your home will become the place of perfect bliss from which you venture into the world to be ready to face lifes challenges.


health libra weekly

Star 9/10

This is one week when it might pay to watch your blood pressure. The cosmos is bringing high-powered energy your way, making you impatient. Remain calm, if you can genuinely do this. If not, make an extra effort to relax deeply each evening. Youll sleep better and be better able to cope with the next day. Try to have some fun if you can.


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

If youve been despairing that youll ever reach your health goals, this months blend of energies can give you some helpful clues. With feisty Mars in this sector of your chart, the cosmos encourages you to adopt a can-do approach and visualize yourself accomplishing your goals. Make this a daily habit by immersing yourself in imagery that helps you turn your dreams into reality. You may then find it much easier to accomplish your plans. Also, it could be helpful to take a proactive stance that sees you questioning your ideas and being willing to adopt new approaches.


love libra daily

Star 9/10

You prefer to show your love interest how you feel by demonstrating your affection through direct action, such as buying presents, giving them a massage, or taking them somewhere expensive. Todays celestial configuration means that if you want to show how much you care, you need to talk to your sweetheart. There are certain things they really want to know, and there is no other way to get the message across.


love libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

The planetary energy encourages a loved one to talk a great deal about your future and what you could both achieve together. Unfortunately, you both know that at this stage neither of you can agree on whether you want to continue the relationship, never mind what you could both do as a couple. It is best not to get too caught up in speculation, but just to enjoy the day.


love libra weekly

Star 7/10

Traveling is a great precursor to love in the first part of the week. When you visit new places and meet new people, opportunities for romance are everywhere. A "no strings attached" hookup might be just what you need right now. You may lose sleep over an ex over the weekend, but is the person really worth your time? Everyone goes through a phase where they want what they cant have, but you should be over this by now.


love libra monthly

Star 10/10

Romance takes center stage as Venus gets comfortable in dreamy Pisces on January 3, so dont be afraid to express your feelings creatively and often. Unrequited love happens, but not to you. Not now. Communicative Mercury enters practical Capricorn on January 12, making your words precise and to the point. Theres little chance of wasted words, but your flirting game could take a hit. The Sun enters receptive, quirky Aquarius on January 19, putting you in the mood to go with the flow. Sensual experiments are fun with a willing partner. Check inhibitions at the door and see where the night takes you.


career libra daily

Star 10/10

People are pointing fingers in the workplace today so watch out. No one wants to take the blame for the difficult situation that has arisen. Be diplomatic, but try not to be deceiving, either. Accept the blame for the part you were responsible for.


career libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

You are in a fantastic position to venture out on your own right now. If you have ever thought of starting your own business of some sort, now is the perfect time to get the ball rolling. Electronics and creative internet-based ventures are most favored.


career libra weekly

Star 8/10

The Universe opens the door to positive contacts with superiors, co-workers, and customers. A happy emotional atmosphere supports making life more harmonious and beautiful. The energy supports travel-related work and expanding your horizons in general. You might think about sharing your talents. Get outside and walk to help keep the best perspective. This period could bring unexpected roadblocks or disappointments. Be patient. Dont force your opinions on others.


career libra monthly

Star 8/10

Youll have to do some fast work to protect your reputation toward the middle of the month. Dont assume your employer will give you the benefit of the doubt when a mistake is discovered. Do your best to establish how the error occurred. Instead of pointing fingers, base your argument on a paper trail. That way nobody can accuse you of trying to pass the buck. As the end of the month approaches, youll be given an exciting assignment that allows you to show off your creativity. Working with a partner will be stimulating. The two of you make a dynamic duo.

