Daily Virgo Horoscope September 02 (02/09)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

September 02


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 9/10

At least one person wants to see the real you. That doesnt necessarily mean youve been putting on a deceptive faade for anyone, but you might have felt it was necessary to be one person to one person and someone else to another. This is probably draining for you and sends out a confusing message to those around you. The skys helping you to relax and be your authentic self now. Its time some people had the joy of experiencing that.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

We hear people say, what a difference a day makes. Sometimes, we hear people comment about the difference one person has made to their day, and possibly to their world. It appears you can be such a person now. Youre able to be a very positive, motivating and even inspirational influence to at least one person. Dont hesitate to use your power on more in your world if you can do it!


summary virgo weekly

Star 9/10

How we choose to convey ourselves is often dictated by our mood or attitude at the time. If were feeling resentful, aggrieved or angry, then we sometimes use a proverbial sledgehammer to crack a walnut when a simpler and less confrontational way would have been far more effective. Its important you bear that in mind this week as Mars enters your sign. Your impatience to make a certain point might be fuelled with more aggression than you intended.


summary virgo monthly

Star 9/10

Youll have a clear idea about what youre working behind the scenes to plan or complete and might need to keep certain individuals at bay who want to know what youre up to. As far as youre concerned, a plan or announcement will be made when youre ready to do so. Be prepared for a month that exceeds expectations wherever you choose to focus your efforts. Where you might be prepared for a struggle, you could discover a result is achieved with less effort than you anticipated. Your love life might receive attention from others but youll love the attention you attract!


health virgo daily

Star 10/10

You have so much to be grateful for. There are lots of things that are going well in your life right now. There is nothing more important than your health, however. Don\t let yourself be reminded of this through illness or any kind of accident due to unconscious behavior. Drink plenty of water to keep your joints well-lubricated, and stay away from saturated fats which include: whole milk, cheese, butter and cream. Use olive oil rather than butter whenever possible.


health virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Today\s aspect will arouse your emotional nature. Try to keep your heart open to all that you feel - the easy feelings and the difficult ones. There is no reason why you can\t have a few days of being \"down in the dumps\" emotionally, while at the same time treating yourself well with a balanced diet and exercise. And don\t forget the water you are supposed to drink in ample quantities. Try to experience your emotions with total acceptance, so as not to impede your health-consciousness.


health virgo weekly

Star 9/10

Leisure, fun, and sports are highlighted, and you might feel moved to get involved in competitive events. You enjoy testing your skill, strength, and stamina in competition with others. You can also get the chance to meet new people while getting fit. This could prove to be a more enjoyable way of exercising than working out alone.


health virgo monthly

Star 9/10

You may seek ways to feel good inside and out this month. When it comes to inner peace and calm, the cosmos suggests some pampering. Youre generally good at doing this for others, but you often forget to do it for yourself. A massage or spa treatment could do you so much good if you surrender and just enjoy it. In addition, you might be very conscious of wanting to look your best, so eating differently or doing some exercises that can sculpt and tone your body might help. However, subtler practices like meditation can give your eyes and face a beautiful glow.


love virgo daily

Star 7/10

You will have no choice but to cease being hardworking and responsible, and be very relaxed - even laid-back. The celestial lineup will probably have you horizontal with laughter before the day is over, and this may not be because you find your own company particularly funny. A significant other may discover the subject that makes you giggle helplessly, and won\t stop joking about it.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

It is not the material goods you have, or even the commonsense you display that will bring the person you are interested in into your life. It is your spiritual qualities, and your understanding of those facets and philosophies of life that lie beyond the obvious world of the senses. You need to communicate from a different plane.


love virgo weekly

Star 9/10

You cant help but think about what might happen next. Youve been on a positive tangent when it comes to dating, and everything is coming up roses as the new week begins. You dont expect surprises, but you arent exactly shocked when something good happens. You know how to bring a smile to your dates face over the weekend, and youre particularly good with the one-liners. Septemberbe hold off on the knock-knock jokes until date two.


love virgo monthly

Star 7/10

Compelling Mars leaves humorous Leo for your practical sign on September 5, and your romantic focus is much more serious. You can still have fun dating, but its more of a means to an end than just a frivolous pastime. A Venus/Saturn trine on September 12 provides hope for the future, especially if a platonic relationship has the potential to turn into something more. Basing a romance on a solid friendship almost ensures success. The sun enters the airy atmosphere of Libra, at which point you may back off a potential commitment. It isnt that you arent interested, but youd like to take some time to think about things.


career virgo daily

Star 9/10

Think about what you can bring to the workplace today instead of what you can take away from it. Share your knowledge and your inspiration instead of forcibly sucking other people of theirs. What you give will automatically come back to you tenfold.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your lesson today will be one that is echoed to you over the next four weeks. Be more stable and conservative in your approach instead of being haphazard or reckless. Although you are a fan of innovation, you must also learn to respect tradition.


career virgo weekly

Star 8/10

The energy is great for presenting your ideas and selling. Be confident and wear a winning smile. The busy days in the middle of the week are likely to be distracting. Expect to juggle multiple commitments. You\ll need to be flexible and ready to accommodate last-minute changes. Dressing your best and wearing a big smile will help improve your attitude and bring positive interactions with staff and clients. Don\t take criticism personally. Use it as a springboard for making improvements.


career virgo monthly

Star 8/10

Youll be able to fulfill a contract or satisfy a partnership in early September, thanks to a companionable full moon. Meeting this obligation will create lots of goodwill. Word of your fame will spread, putting some great assignments in your path. The secret to your success is an ability to anticipate others needs and empathize with their concerns. Youll be asked to assume a different role around September 20. But the challenged new moon wont allow you to shine in this capacity. Its best to pass on this offer. Your personal life should trump your professional one in the closing days of the month. Dont worry. Your reputation wont be compromised.

